We had a church picnic after Sunday night services this past Sunday, and we had a blast! The kids absolutely loved it, and the adults had a great time getting to know each other better. There was a great playground for the kid's to play on, and Jayden had so much fun!

Jayden loved to climb up onto the platform of the playground.

This is big stuff! See him climbing up the ladder? He's never done that before!

Getting ready to go down the slide.

Daddy at the picnic.

Our good friend's baby. She is so cute! We love her! :)

Jayden eating his sandwich.

Jayden and his little friend Baby M! Isn't she a cutie!?

Climbing the ladder again!

And again!

Climbing up the slide.

Some of our friends from church! Jayden has really taken a liking to John! He had to make sure John was watching him go down the slide!

Getting ready to go down the slide!

Jayden and Daddy listening to the game instructions. Jayden was the smallest one to participate!

Waiting for their turn....

Some of the kids playing the games.

Jayden and Daddy playing the game! It was so cute...they were in last place, but everyone was cheering them on!

Still playing...

Playing the second part of the game!

They were having so much fun!

Climbing on the jungle gym...trying to figure it out.


Our little gymnast!

Look at that balance!

Hiding from Daddy in the maze!

Daddy hiding behind the house...Jayden is about to find him. :)
We are so glad that we had the opportunity to attend the picnic and get to know our friends even better. We love our church family, and we are really enjoying participating in all of our church's activities. I will be attending a Ladies Retreat this weekend at Lake Texoma, and I am so excited about it! I will be taking my camera, so I will post pictures of our trip next week!
Looks like lots of fun. That baby is adorable!
What great pictures! I love our church family too!
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